The Amazing Mary Jane #2

Mysterio’s scheme for funding goes off the rails. Lucky for him Mary Jane Watson is on his side. MJ needs to save the film, wrangle her boss the supervillain, and find someone willing to give money to this insane idea.
The Amazing Mary Jane #2 is the second issue in a row without any of the action scenes most people expect from their Marvel Comics (though this does seem to be changing next issue). Thankfully Carlos Gomez and Carlos Lopez are a great fit for art in the slice of life approach. They craft panels with depth. Even background characters are shown with personality clear on their faces.
Leah Williams has a talent for making me take a second look at characters I have never cared for in the past. In this case, the target is Mysterio. He’s still not a good guy. He is quick to anger and outbursts. He is far too dramatic. He doesn’t seem to have a strong sense of reality or morality. But, much like the biopic, the comic focuses on, we are shown that there is more to him than meets the eye.
Final Thoughts
Despite my new interest in Mysterio, I’m left scratching my head. Williams does a good job showing MJ as a strong, capable woman (as she should be) who has no problem facing challenges thrown her way (which she shouldn’t). She is thrown into the plot of someone else’s drama instead of a story about her own development or struggle. The Amazing Mary Jane #2 (Williams, Lopez, Gomez) is an enjoyable story with well-done art, but as Mary Jane’s first miniseries, it feels like it could be Mysterio’s first mini instead.
The Amazing Mary Jane #2: Miss Fix-it
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 6/106/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 7/107/10