The Dead Lucky #7

San Francisco is changing. Tech consortium Morrow is building the city of the future with “peacekeeper” robots looming on every corner—and wherever Morrow isn’t, the Salvation gang is. Bibiana Lopez-Yang is changing too. She came back from Afghanistan with PTSD and the ability to control electrical currents. If she can hold it together, she might be the hero San Francisco needs. But against an enemy this big, it isn't enough to be good. She'll have to be lucky.
The Dead Lucky #7 is an exciting kick-off to the next arc of this electric character. This issue has excellent action set pieces, a strong build-up in multiple storylines, and is an exciting entry into the Massive-Verse world.
Written by Melissa Flores, I went into this issue blind, and I am glad I did. The plot and dialogue from Flores are done in a way that gives good context clues to new readers and makes for an easy-to-follow read.
This accessibility is refreshing as sometimes comics this far into arcs have spent time developing characters that require readers to start to understand any of it from the beginning. Instead, issue #7 delivers action, multiple plot threads, and a cool super-powered hero to follow.
This issue spends time with Bibi as she maneuvers as a double agent for the evil corporation known as Morrow. After a battle in San Francisco, there is still work to be done. Toward the end, readers are connected to the more extensive Massive Verse. As a new fan of that universe, it’s always awesome to see the many characters having their own challenges while connecting to the larger story.
Bibiana Lopez-Yang, or “Bibi,” is a skilled military veteran who dons a skull-covered helmet on top of her suit, and everything about the character design is excellent. It’s a testament to the art from French Carlomagno and Mattie Iancono for developing a futuristic San Francisco that is home to a hero who emits electric energy into enemies that stand in her way.
Final Thoughts
Issue #7 has a lot of moving pieces, but they feel connected and make for an accessible read. Fans of the series will be happy to see how the story of Bibi is progressing and new readers are given an exciting hero to root for. For those interested, it’s worth picking up at your local comic book shop!
The Dead Lucky #7: Change from the Inside
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10