The Flash #783

Wally West is the fastest man alive. But he needs to find someone even faster.
I can’t even tell you the title of this issue’s story without spoiling something. Let’s just say that author Jeremy Adams know how to bring the thunder and let me also say, it’s about damn time. The threat in this issue is genuine and actually threatening. Remember, this is a Flash book that’s a Crisis tie-in, so we all should be very, very nervous. But one thing we don’t have to be nervous about is the quality of this issue, This is one of those comics that you’re absolutely gonna tear through. You’re not going to get up and get a soda in the middle of it, nope once you start this you’re not stopping until you finish it. There are a lot of important characters in this issue and Adams sure knows how to balance them correctly. There’s not one character that isn’t doing something important, and none of them are cheated on “screen time.” Another thing that impressed me was Adams’s use of recapping and explaining what’s come before through the dialogue of the characters and also making it seem natural. You’re not going to have to read Dark Crisis to enjoy this issue, but if you have, you’ll enjoy it on a whole different level.
Speaking of different levels, let’s talk about artist Amancay Nahuelpan! Wow, this guy is GREAT!! Super detailed and gives each panel a really tight focus. Also, Nahuelpan was born to draw speed. Needless to say, there’s a lot of speed in this issue and it all looks great. Add to that the man knows how to draw fights really well, making them impactful for the reader, as well as brilliantly choreographed.
Final Thoughts
You're definitely going to want to grab this book! Actually, scratch that, you're definitely going to NEED to grab this book. It's a vital part of this summer's most exciting story, and oh yeah, it's really great!!
The Flash #783: It’s a Given Central City Law, Someone’s Faster on the Draw
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 9.5/109.5/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10