The Immortal Hulk #20
Throughout the years, there has been many interpretations of Banner and his alter ego; Hulk. During, the “No Surrender” event, Avengers #684 issue by writers; Jim Zub, Mark Waid and Al Ewing explored the Hulk’s background of multiple deaths and the roadmap to The Immortal Hulk! – Now, Ewing articulates the best fan favorite features by taking a fierce lead to an outstanding new dark, horrific, and psychodynamic arc that keeps the reader on the edge at all times!
Over the last sixteen issues, we learned that Hulk/Banner can “presumably” be killed; however, the night is for the monster. Hulk has some sort of regenerative and absorbing abilities, but to what extent? Bruce Banner is taunted by the original trauma and his father’s strong grip. Although, Banner continues to have self-inflictions by his inner monster, Hulk executes the work that his other-selves are incapable to accomplish.
Last issue, Al Ewing focused on someone other than Bruce or his multiple personalities. We witnessed the rage and pain of another gamma-monster. Betty Ross/Banner is the powerhouse that pushes this issue forward. Her thoughts, past and present, influence the tone of this story. Ewing neatly ties General Fortean, the current military nemesis, more firmly into the Hulk’s backstory. This is seamlessly accomplished without stealing any focus from Betty, aka; The Red Harpy.
The woman scorned story leads her back to Hulk, who is getting his green ass kicked by Ewing’s version of the Rick Jones/Abomination. This three-way gamma-monster fight is no joke! The Abomination’s acidic digestive enzymes are too much for Hulk’s healing ability. But it’s the Red Harpy that kills the Hulk! “I would eat his heart in the marketplace” – William Shakespeare.
Immortal Hulk #19 continues the horror, love, and pain that leaves us in shock and excited for the next issue. Ewing, Bennett and the rest of the creative team talent effectively explodes the darkest parts of humans in each morbid panel.
Rick Jones/Abomination melted Hulk’s limbs. Betty Ross Banner, now known as the Red Harpy, has KILLED Hulk, while eating his heart. The Immortal Hulk lives again and reaches a mutual understanding with his love, his wife, Betty.
As McGee is totally freaked out by her discoveries, Bruce finds himself back down below and confronted by his father once more. This time, Bruce’s father is teaching his son a new lesson articulating science of gamma, the Green Door and religion. Ewing consistently intrigues the imagination through explaining the inexplicable, like Gamma Radiation. Something scientific can be spiritual, magical, and even religious. Without revealing too much on this subject, just pay attention to Bruce’s father’s explanation of how the Green Door was open and how it connects all living things.
Pay particular attention to the fact that he is not the only one who has visited this hellscape. Who is “The one who guards”, the Metatron of the down below? “Can you hear me?” “Can you see me?” “Do you know who I am?” Before The Immortal Hulk, personally, I run the other direction from any and all biblical teachings. I have my reasons to the dismay. Like previous issues, Al Ewing masterfully and beautifully constructed thought-provoking Ancient Hebrew and Jewish mysticism in such a magical way; I just want to learn more!
Metatron is the most earthly archangel and the name is commonly referred to “The One Who Guards”. Many pray to Metatron, because this biblical creature is considered the angel of life and the guardian angel of the “Tree of Life. Some believe the Archangel Metatron was once a human, like us, but with a higher worthiness and responsible to witnesses and records all the happenings into the Book of Life. Among spiritual scriptures and ancient texts, the Archangel Metatron “Rules of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” Does this sound familiar?
Since issue #10, we were introduced to words, which are Kabbalistic in nature and refer to good and evil, or angels and demons, or even heaven and hell to a degree. Ewing applies previous teachings and builds our knowledge in The Immortal Hulk #20.
Ewing has a talent that takes us down a deep, dart path of human psychodynamics and religious folklore. I am tremendously excited for Bruce’s intense journey! In addition, Joe Bennett the rest of the artistic team work efficiently to put together a horrifically detail on each page that draws readers attention from start to finish.
The cliffhanger of The Immortal Hulk #20 implies that one more gamma soul has risen from the dead!
Final Thoughts
Al Ewing and his artistic team continues to WOW us as they create a masterpiece with each issue showing the time, dedication, and research placed into each page, panel and issue.
The Immortal Hulk #20: Metatron “The One Who Guards”
- Writing - 10/1010/10
- Storyline - 10/1010/10
- Art - 10/1010/10
- Color - 10/1010/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10