The Incredible Hulk #9
HULK VERSUS THE ANGEL OF DEATH—FROZEN CHARLOTTE! Phillip Kennedy Johnson's latest spine-chilling tale brings Hulk into a supernatural town haunted by a serial killer…but she is no mere mortal killer, and Hulk will need the help of a supernatural detective in order to track her down!
An interesting issue to say the least but a good one to start off a new arc. In a small town in New Orleans, something odd is happening. There’s an old woman with strange enough powers to quite literally think someone dead. Her first murder, a rather bizarre one, takes place just before Bruce and Charlie get to the city. It’s odd to picture the Hulk in a murder mystery kind of saga but if there’s anything prevalent in comics, it’s that green usually equates to horror.
While Bruce and Charlie are at the cemetery, Bruce begins to the transformation setting upon him. He gives Charlie some cash and tells her to go explore New Orleans, that she’s young and she should see as much as she can. He also tells her she’s of no help. She may idolize the Hulk, but she has no clue how to handle the beast.
Charlie eventually skedaddles, leaving Bruce to come face to face with Betty, his wife. She encourages Bruce to give up Hulk to Eldest, then they’ll both return to normal, decent lives. Bruce refuses, thinking of Charlie, but Betty implies that malicious acts are in order.
On Betty’s end, she finds herself in the house of the old woman who committed the murder. She’s just a helpless old lady, what must be the harm in her? Charlie’s unsuspecting nature comes to a hard crash when she finds a verbal human remain begging for help.
The first part of Frozen Charlotte is interesting, takes some time getting used too. However, the art stands out, giving it a creepy feel that seeps into the story.
Final Thoughts
While a slow start, the new arc is bound to pick up and reach a certain high. While interesting in terms of setting and plot, issue #9 felt rather slow and just barely dragging the reader along.
The Incredible Hulk #9: Monsters Find Each Other
- Writing - 5/105/10
- Storyline - 6/106/10
- Art - 7/107/10
- Color - 6/106/10
- Cover Art - 5/105/10
User Review
( votes)( reviews)
I have not found Hulk interesting since Ewing’s Immortal Hulk run. The Spaceship Hulk thing was too weird for words. This feels like a House of Mystery style story with Hulk instead of Swamp Thing or Man Thing and its been done before….