Transformers #16
It's the early days of the robots that we will come to know as The Transformers. How did they come to be aligned with each other? What made them decide to go to war? This isn't how the decisions were made, these stories are how the problems started in the first place.
This issue, there’s more espionage, double-crossing and betrayal that you’d find on a James Bond movie. Author Brian Ruckley furthers the story that he’s been telling for few issues now. It’s basically everyone versus everyone, but not in outright war; it’s all back-stabbing and spying. In short, the action has been taken out a book that should be 100% action. Look, I really don’t want to dump on this book because it’s been really good at times, but it’s hard to take this for much longer. You know those parts in the Star Wars prequels where they spend too much time talking about the Trade Federation and the Chancellor and that kind of thing? They’re when you’d go to the bathroom or get more popcorn. This issue is the one that you flip through and think “Man, this is WAY too wordy”. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE a comic with a bunch of dialogue and exposition, but this is not the book to do it in. Yes, occasionally there needs to be some issues that feature a lot of talking to move the story forward, but this marks the fourth issue in a row of that, and it’s basically one too many. Sure, there’s action, but it’s all too rare and in exchange, we get page after page of talking with little to no point at all. I have hope that the next issue will feature more action, and less talking. There’s a lot of story in this issue, and that sets things up for characters taking action next issue.
The art, however, is a totally different story. The art duties are shared this issue by artists Bethany McGuire-Smith and Anna Malkova. Smith has a really cool style. It’s heavy and very intentional, but it never crosses the line into blocky or stiff. It reminds me of the Transformers toys. While on the other hand, Malkova’s style is more sleek and shiny and a little less bold. I would describe her art as more in line with the Transformers cartoon. Both artists combine to make a fantastic looking issue. Even though they’re robots, the facial features in this issue are fantastic and really bring the characters to life. In all seriousness, the art saves the book.
Final Thoughts
This issue isn't my favorite. I would skip this one and hopefully, the next issue will be an improvement.
Transformers #16: One Shall Fall
- Writing - 2/102/10
- Storyline - 3/103/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 7/107/10
- Cover Art - 8.5/108.5/10