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Universal Monsters: Creature From The Black Lagoon Lives! #2: Monsters Come In All Shapes And Sizes


Universal Monsters: Creature From The Black Lagoon Lives! #2

Artist(s): Matthew Roberts

Colorist(s): Dave Stewart

Letterer: D.C Hopkins

Publisher: Image, Skybound

Genre: Adaptation, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Scifi, Thriller

Published Date: 05/29/2024


Kate Marsden has miraculously survived, but just who—or what—is the creature that she saw?

As Doctor Thompson and Kate work to discover the truth, they come face to face with an elusive serial killer…who’s also the man that Kate has dedicated her life to destroying.


Creature From The Black Lagoon Lives! #2 picks up after the shocking reveal of the creature at the end of the last issue. Waking up after surviving the attempted drowning, Kate Marsden continues her search for the serial killer she has been hunting, refusing to believe that she actually witnessed the monstrous creature. As she works with Doctor Thompson to continue her hunt, the elusive serial killer in question continues his own journey to hide in obscurity as the creature strikes again.

One of the most profound aspects of Creature From The Black Lagoon Lives! #2 is how writers Ram V and Dan Watters meld together the journey Kate goes on as she hunts the killer and the effects that drowning have on the human mind. This ongoing narration creates a sense of existential dread throughout the pages, making Kate seem like an unreliable narrator in her own mind while the reader sees exactly what is going on. This aspect of the series has made the series a ton of fun to read, providing insight into what makes this series truly horrifying.

When it comes to the actual journey, there is a lot of fun to be had with the dual narrative that pits a physical monster against a serial killer. The clear themes here surrounding the narrative itself are surrounding that concept of reality versus fiction, and the idea of real and fake monsters. The entire implication of our minds deceiving us really makes for an interesting take on this classic narrative, giving the world a more thought provoking nuance than ever before.

Artwise, Matthew Roberts and Dave Stewart do a great job of matching that same juxtaposition of reality versus fiction, making the monster itself feel like the least terrifying part of the narrative. A lot of detail is put into the wounds and scars inflicted onto characters, with an emphasis on the effects that the serial killer and monster leave rather than the actual presence of them themselves. This creates such a fun, unique take on this world that makes the series so interesting to delve into both conceptually and as an average monthly read.

Final Thoughts

Creature From The Black Lagoon Lives! #2 establishes one of the most thought provoking tales of the year, elevating its source material to a place that most would never dare to venture.

Universal Monsters: Creature From The Black Lagoon Lives! #2: Monsters Come In All Shapes And Sizes
  • Writing - 9/10
  • Storyline - 9/10
  • Art - 9/10
  • Color - 9/10
  • Cover Art - 9/10
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