Jane Foster: Valkyrie #7

Valkyrie and her team are up against the Death of Death. They are forced to face the symbolic manifestations of the disease that is killing death as well as their own inner demons. Not every medic is cut out for this job.
Al Ewing and Jason Aaron bring a conclusion to the story of Death dying, as well as the final issue of the two working together to write Valkyrie. As such, I could say all the same things I’ve been saying since I started reviewing Valkyrie. The characters are all engaging with a strong consistent voice. Ewing and Aaron use continuity to make it clear that Jane’s world is not isolated from the Marvel Universe with references to the Immortal Hulk, Annihilation, and the X-titles. As I have come to expect, issue seven is an enjoyable, cohesive story.
The art by Pere Perez and colors by Jesus Aburtov continue to do a great job telling the story. I am not sure what Cardiac’s mask is made out of, but his clear to read facial expression does the heavy lifting in showing us more of the character.
The major criticism I have with this issue is the pacing. It is written well with the scenes flowing without seeming rushed. But at the same time, it feels like there was enough to this journey to justify a longer arc. When the last issue ended with introducing The Death of Death and this issue elaborated with it being an aspect of the Living Tribunal, I did not expect for things to be resolved in only one more issue. All the characters used seem underutilized, but especially Manikan. If I’m not mistaken Manikin has not been seen in twenty-odd years, he made an odd choice for such a repeated focus on how things would “get weird” for him.
The series has been good enough to make me err on the side of giving the writers the benefit of the doubt and assume that this arc is a set up for things to come.
Final Thoughts
Jane Foster: Valkyrie #7 (Ewing, Aaron, Perez, Aburtov) is another enjoyable issue, but leaves me wanting more in a less than good way. However, the potential ramifications for Jane and the Marvel world as a whole make it a story worth reading.
Valkyrie: Jane Foster #7: When it All Goes Alright
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 8.5/108.5/10
- Art - 8.5/108.5/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10