War of the Realms: Asgardians of the Galaxy #10

The Asgardians of the Galaxy make a final stand against the angels of Heven, not everybody makes it out alive!
Wow! This series finale has more long lasting ramifications than almost any other War of the Realms tie in including a main character death (3 actually if you count Brunhilde in WOTR #2 and Kid Loki in WOTR #1 due to sharing a life force with regular Loki) and the complete and utter destruction of an entire realm. I will say both things with the caveat of almost every one of them being people and things that were introduced or brought back during Aaron’s Thor run, effectively helping to reset the status quo for when his run ends. That said, could Cullen Bunn be the next Thor writer? I actually might really like that, fingers crossed actually!

You Been Thunderstruck made me laugh hard
The art by Luca Maresco is pretty good, not mind blowing but there is a ton of action in this issue and it couldn’t have been easy to draw such a jam-packed issue. I’m gonna miss this book.
***Seriously though SPOILERS***
I’m pretty impressed at the amount of buildup that landed the Naglfar Armada in Heven, and although as I said it’s just a story reset essentially the thought of this unkillable Armada attacking Heven forever with no stopping (since Angela destroyed the only way to call them off) is actually pretty cool.
Final Thoughts
A really decent issue in an underrated series, enough so that I now want Bunn on Thor, c'mon universe make it happen!
War of the Realms: Asgardians of the Galaxy #10: Ending with a Bang!
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 10/1010/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 8/108/10