War of the Realms: Giant Man #3
The Giant Men storm Ymir's stronghold only to find that Ymir isn't the one in control at all! Former Thunderbolt Moonstone has made a deal with Laufey to protect all the women in Florida if she harvests giants from Ymir's unwilling flesh, gnarly.
Giant-Man #3 ends stronger than the previous 2 issues despite some missteps. The issue has a clear antagonist and mission that doesn’t require the book to repeatedly tell you what it’s mission is. I liked the acknowledgment of Atlas and Moonstone’s past, and Moonstone turning didn’t feel too overly forced, she always did toe the line between good and bad, usually just needing an insistence that something isn’t right to change her mind.
The art is fairly solid, I liked the fight scenes and Atlas is always a good time. I didn’t recognize Moonstone at first the reveal wasn’t too well played. Ymir looked really good as well.
There were a few jokes I didn’t care for but this issue played it relatively straight compared to the previous two and is better in that regard.
Final Thoughts
This mini ends strongly enough. Honestly, if you just read the last issue with some minor context clues you get the whole story.
War of the Realms: Giant Man #3: Storm the Gate
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 5/105/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 8/108/10