War of the Realms: Punisher #2
Frank leads an armed group of convicts through the Lincoln tunnel to New Jersey ahead of a bunch of doctors and wounded. They're not alone down there!
An entertaining enough romp in a tunnel I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have fun reading it, but this series at it’s core feels flawed in execution due to having zero representation in the other books which also heavily feature Punisher. The timeline just doesn’t work unless there are multiple Franks which seems unlikely. It’s bothersome when an event features one character in 2-3 places at once, although not unheard of by any means it’s pretty sloppy from an editorial standpoint and I don’t place any blame on the creative team who are just trying to put out a good book.
All in all otherwise this short miniseries does feel along the correct lines for the Punisher from a murdering everybody and everything standpoint. The issue is extremely brutal and feels like something I would have adored as a child. As I said I had fun and the plot is cohesive enough, with a clear objective and brisk pacing this could be so phoned in and it really isn’t.
The art by Marcello Ferriera, Roberto Poggi and Rachelle Rosenberg is pretty good especially in the extremely graphic and brutal fight scenes which feature dismemberment and worse. I especially loved the initial fight with the Troll, the colors and linework when he stomps that guy are crazy! I also wanted to mention the work of Cory Petit, a busy guy to be sure it definitely feels like he went through his paces lettering this issue with a ton of font work on every page, although some stuff is integrated into the landscape which might mean it was Ferriera but nonetheless the speech bubbles and narration look great and if he did the sound effects on that opening page I’ve noticed them all 3 times I’ve read this.
Final Thoughts
I had a good time reading this and you might also if you don't focus on the timeline too much.
War of the Realms: Punisher #2: Killing Time
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 6/106/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10