War of the Realms: Thor #13
Not unlike last issues Loki centric reminiscence this issue we get a dip into the past of Cul Borson, The Serpent himself, The God of Fear, true monarch of Asgard, culminating in a covert mission into Svartalfheim on Odin's behalf. Not unlike an aging jerk uncle, he just wants to make things right with his brother, but hell if he won't be a jerk about it. Cul discovers a mine of magic glowing mushrooms mined by dark elf children who displease Malekith which is powering the Black Bifrost. Does he rescue the children? Or steal some mushrooms and go all Mario on everyone?
Although better than last issue this series is clearly just treading water waiting for the event to end and it’s somewhat insulting. That said, I have been wondering when Cul stopped being a D-bag (he famously kinda killed Thor in Fear Itself, but we don’t talk about Fear Itself) and the answer is “at some point, randomly.” I will say this about Cul, his fear based god powers are neat and I wouldn’t mind to find out some more about him, but whatever he’s dead now. To quote a friend farewell Cul we hardly knew ye. At the rate Jason Aaron is going Thor and Balder are going to be joining Hercules in space looking for gods.
It is kind of vaguely funny that just as last issue played off ‘A Christmas Carol’ this issue plays off another Christmas story; ‘The Grinch’. Cul’s heart grows 3 sizes and he goes down saving some kids. Silly. Maybe next issue will knock off Die Hard and be good somehow.
I continue to despise Del Mundo’s art on this title and I always will, here is a collection of reasons why:
I can’t stand the way faces are drawn in this issue.
Final Thoughts
If you are a fan of Thor, he isn't in this book.
War of the Realms: Thor #13: Fear Comes to Svartalfheim
- Writing - 4/104/10
- Storyline - 5/105/10
- Art - 4/104/10
- Color - 6/106/10
- Cover Art - 7/107/10