What If...? Galactus Transformed Gambit? #1

Gambit is the most charismatic, most heroic and most capable thief on Earth — which is exactly how he grabs the attention of the Devourer of Worlds! With the Power Cosmic flowing through his veins, Gambit is unstoppable, but is he clever enough to steal the unstealable?
Comic Watch Review:
What If…? Galactus Transformed Gambit? #1 is the second installment of the new What If…? series of oneshots featuring would be heralds of the World Devourer Galactus.
The ragin’ Cajun gets tapped and infused with the Power Cosmic for a heist of worldly proportions.
Writing / Storyline:
Trujillo doesn’t waste time in kicking off the story, providing a brief introduction of where Gambit is before he is plucked up and changed by Galactus without any say in the matter, which he readily accepts with little resistance. When Galactus tells Gambit that his first job is to steal a planet that has been shrunken and in the possession of The Collector, that he, Galactus, already tried to take by force and was unsuccessful.
The bulk of the story takes place as Gambit and The Collector, who knows why Gambit is there, verbally spar and provide exposition revealing that the planet is a copy of Galactus’ homeworld, but is otherwise lifeless. For being solicited as a “heist story” there is little heisting going on, no elaborate plan or real subterfuge on Gambit’s part as things unfold. To add to things that don’t seem to work well is that once Galactus is done, he discharges Gambit from his service without a second thought.
Art / Color:
Art and colorwise the issue is decent, with Galactus looking as one would expect. Gambit’s design is interesting if not slightly over the top in design, with the trenchcoat being fully Comic Power is distracting at times throughout the story. Facial features and expressions are also not as clean as one might expect, leaving some panels to be “blobby.”
Final Thoughts
What If...? Galactus Transformed Gambit? #1 is well-written but falls short of what would be expected from a story billed as a heist worthy of Gambit's skill set and at times seems like a missed opportunity for an action-packed story.
What If…? Galactus Transformed Gambit? #1: Cosmic Cajun
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 7/107/10
- Art - 7/107/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 9/109/10