What If…? Galactus Transformed Hulk? #1

One of the most feared beings in all existence is actively recruiting! This January, a new series of one-shots dares to ask the question: What if Galactus turned some of Marvel’s best and brightest heroes into his new cosmic heralds?
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The Power Cosmic transforms these once-familiar champions, twisting and turning all of Marvel history in their wake! In this tale, Galactus has conscripted Earth’s strongest warrior — the Incredible Hulk — into his service. But what will turn out to be the bigger mistake: trying to direct the fury of the Green Goliath… or giving the great mind of Bruce Banner a cosmic problem to solve?
What If…? Galactus Transformed Hulk? #1 is the first of five new oneshots asking the question: What If Galactus chose a hero from the Marvel Universe to be his herald? First up, Bruce Banner, better known as The Incredible Hulk.
Writing / Storyline:
Groom sets up the issue first with Bruce Banner, already in the service of Galactus, visiting the latest planet on the intergalactic menu. Readers are given an introduction to the new hearld in both Banner and Hulk forms, both which are trying to fulfill Galactus’ will, but at the same time trying to save the inhabitants of the planet.
Groom also steps back in time and reveals the meeting between Banner and Galactus where the offer and reasons how Earth and Banner could both benefit from Banner/Hulk becoming the Herald. Galactus presents a convincing argument which Banner readily accepts for obvious reasons.
Back in the present and at the next planet on the menu, Herald Banner is meet by Iron Man, Captain Marvel, and Vision and of course a fight ensues, leaving Tony left standing and in an improved Hulk-Buster armor and a run of heavy exposition where Tony explains that Galactus agreed to leave Earth alone if Banner and Hulk agreed to become his herald.
After this buildup, and just as the issue begins to get interesting with Hulk deciding to go after Galactus, the issue ends, which was anticlimactic after what happened throughout the issue, especially after the exchange between Banner and Galactus about Banner’s wanting to save the inhabited prior to his visit.
Art / Color:
The designs of Banner/Hulk are okay…not that different from Silver Surfer, only that Banner/Hulk has a weird Mohawk-thing going on.
Otherwise, the art and color work are solid with no real issues and bring a sci-fi feel to the story.
The main cover is solid, giving potential readers an idea of the jist of the story without giving away any storybooks. The variants are solid ranging from ones Galactus, the Stephen Platt one is really cool with the Frank Miller one being not as bad as some of his other variant covers in the same style. The one that is the best is Mark Bagley’ sci-fi homage as Galactus looks in an apartment window.
Final Thoughts
What If…? Galactus Transformed Hulk? #1 kicks off this series of oneshots with a solid issue that ends in a manner that might readers wanting more of a action packed resolution to the question of What If..?
What If…? Galactus Transformed Hulk? #1
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 8/108/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 8/108/10