What If…? Galactus Transformed Moon Knight? #1

One of the most feared beings in all existence is actively recruiting in a new series of one-shots dares to ask the question: What if Galactus turned some of Marvel’s best and brightest heroes into his new cosmic heralds?
Transformed by the power cosmic and tormented by new purpose in stories delivered by a lineup of superstar talent, including veteran Marvel talent and rising newcomers.
Comic Watch Review:
- What If…? Galactus Transformed Hulk? #1: Hulk Smash Galactus?
- What If…? Galactus Transformed Gambit? #1: Cosmic Cajun
- What If…?: Season 3 First 3
- What If…?: Season 3 Episodes 4, 5 and 6
- What If…?: Season 3 Series Finale
When Khonshu, the Moon God, and Galactus, the World-Devourer, clash, Moon Knight is caught in the middle! To keep the peace, Moon Knight becomes the newest herald of Galactus — but his alters cause the Power Cosmic to manifest in startling new ways! Unless Moon Knight can conquer his new powers — and a few former heralds — the Earth itself faces extinction!
What If…? Galactus Transformed Moon Knight? #1 is the third installment of this series of oneshots and is by far the most satisfying one yet. For the casual reader who may not know the much about the character of Moon Knight, Segura does a great job of setting up the scenario in which Marc Spector (and his other personalities) are inducted into the service of the World Devourer.
The issue starts with Galactus and Khonshu battling after the God of Death refuses the offer to become the new Herald. After his defeat and with his dying breath Khonshu summons his Fist with the task of avenging him by taking down Galactus. As Moon Knight is looking at Khonshu’s corpse, Galactus arrives convinces Moon Knight to “do what Khonshu couldn’t ” and embues him the Power Cosmic, and tasks him to find a suitable planet to eat if Earth is to be spared.
As Moon Knight, now Galactus’ herald travels the universe he runs into the former Heralds: Terrex, Firelord, Nova, and The Silver Surfer who try convince him to turn on Galactus which results in a battle where Moon Knight learns he. An channel different powers by using his different personalities before returning to Earth to discover that Galactus has defeated the heroes of Earth in his absence. The other former Heralds arrive and confront Galactus along with Moon Knight to no avail except that Galactus decides Marc is not worthy of the Power Cosmic, takes it back, and decides Earth is not worth his time.
The issue concludes with an open-ended cliffhanger which leaves the door open for more story to be told, which works in its favor. The only thing with the writing that felt off is that Moon Knight assumes that wants him to save Earth when Khonshu wants him to avenge his defeat at the hands of Galactus and that through line gets lost.
The art and colorwork throughout the issue are solid with the occasional weird representation of certain Heralds like Terrex. Moon Knight’s Herald design works well and it was interesting to see him have the different faces of his personalities when channeling the Power Cosmic. Rosenburg’s color work is exceptional as always and gives the art the sci-fi feel the book deserves.
Final Thoughts
What If…? Galactus Transformed Moon Knight? #1 is the strongest and most interesting installment of this series so far and shows that the creative team have a strong grasp on the What If concept and character of Moon Knight.
What If…? Galactus Transformed Moon Knight? #1: Phases
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 9/109/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 10/1010/10