Wonder Woman #11

JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK DEFENDS EARTH AGAINST TRINITY OF EVIL! WALLER'S WAR! Wonder Woman's quest for the truth is placed on hold as she comes face-to-face with Amanda Waller's latest toy, a TASK FORCE VII robot ready to take all her powers for good! Do the Justice League Dark have enough tricks up their sleeves to save our Amazon princess? Find out as this tie-in to "Absolute Power" begins!
Wonder Woman #11 is one part Absolute Power tie in and one part amazing backup story. The Absolute Power tie in sees Diana hiding out with other members of the Justice League Dark as the world is ravaged by Amanda Waller’s misinformation. This ultimately devolves into chaos as one of Waller’s Task Force VII Amazo robots lays siege in what becomes a knock down, drag out fight that hints at some future developments on how the heroes can take out these forces. As is tradition, the issue concludes with a back up story about Trinity growing up with the Super Sons, which sees Damien become the Swifty we all knew him to be.
The best part about this issue is seeing Tom King play ball in such a large event. King is definitely one of DC’s hottest writers, with his work in the future of DC film only increasing his popularity. So seeing him jump right into the current DC initiative with such a welcoming, referential, and evergreen issue is really amazing. The issue itself is a lot of fun, especially seeing the Justice League Dark together despite them not having their own ongoing storyline anymore. More than anything else, this is a reminder that groups, teams, and characters still exist even if they do not have their own series.
Wonder Woman #11 is also unapologetically action packed, wasting no time in showing how serious of a conflict this is. Waller’s forces mean no joke, striking at these heroes with zero restraint. Meanwhile, King uses Detective Chimp to peel back the curtain of mystery, showing how this event may tie into the greater DC multiverse. The way Clayton Cowles intermixes this dialogue with Tony S. Daniels’ art makes for an invigorating read that will definitely be seen as one of the most unique tie ins to this whole endeavor.
Touching on the backup, King and Belen Ortega depict Trinity going to a concert that the Super Sons are all too reluctant to attend. This devolves into one large joke around the Taylor Swift fandom that really works in this world. A lot of the backup is a joke at Damien’s expense, but this works so well considering how serious he takes everything. King and Ortega have struck gold in the way they are depicting Trinity’s growth and foundation. By the time this character is fully a part of main continuity, there will be so much foundation built.
Final Thoughts
Wonder Woman #11 is fun for readers of the ongoing series as well as fans of the Absolute Power event that are looking to see how the event’s conflict effects the greater DC universe.
Wonder Woman #11: The Justice League Dark Are Here To Stay
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 8/108/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 10/1010/10