Wonder Woman #62
Ares continues his quest to force his brand of justice with Diana, Steve, and Aphrodite standing between him and the prime minister. After a bit of schooling on the art of war and a few whispered words the conflict comes to an end and Diana gets a bit of schooling on the currency of peace.
Telling truth to power is not something Wonder Woman is accustomed to and Diana's less than gleeful feeling speaks to a bruised ego adding to her heavy heart over missing amazons. Ares and Aphrodite are not the only displaced beings and so the quest to learn the fate of Themyscira begins.
This issue wraps up the Just War but the internal conflict rage on. The commentary on the murky gray area in the war continue. The story of the war wraps up on an idealistic note — I can decide if that note echoes with an overly simplistic tone that belies the complexities laid out throughout the arc or rings out a message of hope that bitter conflicts can seek lasting resolutions, and so I will leave that to the reader.
I feel like I say this about every issue, and so I will happily do so again because the art continues to excel. If your interests are primarily a quality visual product this book is for you. And if you’re looking for quality writing this is definitely a case of come for the art, stay for the story. Both are satisfying and worth the investment.
Final Thoughts
This has been one of the better arcs of late, starting strong and staying strong throughout. Overall the story ends well closing the arc while opening more questions, signaling new challenges and a new direction for Diana as she moves forward, an entertaining read and well worth picking up.
Wonder Woman #62: The Sacrifices of Ego
- Writing - 8/108/10
- Storyline - 8/108/10
- Art - 9/109/10
- Color - 9/109/10
- Cover Art - 8/108/10