Wonder Woman #794
After rescuing the Cheetah from the clutches of the evil International Milk Company, Wonder Woman must set her sights on the real monsters behind it all…the gods! The gods of fear and panic, Phobos and Deimos, have been having a little too much fun controlling the minds of men, and the world has started to suffer the consequences. Diana is going to need a fellow expert on deities to save the day, but you'll never guess who!
While last issue took a break from the madness, we’re plunged face-first back into the action as Wonder Woman and her allies face off against a trio of villainous gods who have pledged loyalty to Hera, Queen of the Gods. There’s a lot to unpack in this issue, and I’m thrilled to see the title return to a somewhat high-stakes plot after several smaller plotlines.
Let’s start with Cheetah, who steals the show as Wonder Woman’s reluctant new ally. While I originally didn’t buy Cheetah brushing past her rivalry with Wonder Woman to assist her, I have to say… Michael W. Conrad and Becky Cloonan brought their A game for her depiction. She’s a wildcard, emphasis on wild. It’s interesting that Cheetah’s original motivations have been to kill the Olympian Gods, and by working with Diana, she’s sort of doing just that. I’m very excited to see where Cloonan and Conrad take the character.
We also see a trinity of evil gods: Deimos, Phobos, and Eros. Deimos and Phobos were the primary antagonists of Greg Rucka’s Rebirth run, and it’s great to see them back here. Artist Emanuela Lupacchino even drew inspiration from George Perez’s fantastical designs for the brothers which I appreciated. They eventually go full Kleinstock Brothers and bring about some really great action sequences, bolstered by Lupacchino’s fun art style.
The issue culminates with Eros’s appearance, leaving a cliffhanger that will surely be divisive with fans who aren’t fond of a certain Wonderverse character. I’m still not a huge fan of portraying Hera as a villain, particularly after the sensational Wonder Woman Historia story, but I’m looking forward to Hera finally revealing her ultimate plot.
Final Thoughts
Cloonan and Conrad once again knock this issue out of the park. Dine on that godflesh, Cheetah!
Wonder Woman #794: Welcome to the Heraion
- Writing - 8.5/108.5/10
- Storyline - 8.5/108.5/10
- Art - 7/107/10
- Color - 7.5/107.5/10
- Cover Art - 7.5/107.5/10