Wonder Woman finds herself assailed by the not so faithful as they become zealots of the mysterious Dark Gods. Part 2 of the Dark Gods storyline.
Writer: James Robinson
Artist: Steven Sogovia/Rick Leonardi (breakdowns)
Colorist: Romulo Fajardo, Jr.
Letterer: Sadia Temofonte
Cover: Emanuela Lupacchino, Ray McCarthy, Romulo Fajardo, Jr.
Alternate Cover: Jenny Frison
Editors: Dave Welgosz, Chris Conroy, Jamie S. Rich
Publisher: DC Comics
What You Need to Know:
Victoria Cale is back on the trail of the Cheetah (Barbara Minerva), who has emerged from the shadows more fragmented than ever. As she attacks viciously, she reveals she is on a mission to destroy in the name of her new gods, the Dark Gods, whom she has chosen over her previous god, Urzkartaga. From her battle and conferring with Steve Trevor, Diana learns this madness has struck many who are faithful, but whose faith is tenuous. Diana ponders if this means other super-powered people might be affected by the sudden madness — just in time for Supergirl to literally slam into her.
What You’ll Find Out:
Wonder Woman’s brother Jason has sought out the fates of legend to unravel the mystery of his armor and missing time. They tell him of the origin and intent of the armor, and the responsibilities her now bears. Meanwhile, Diana and Supergirl roughhouse their way through 2/3 of the issue, with Diana hogtying the mad Kryptonian and holding on until she finally manages to subdue Supergirl. Jason learns that Diana is the target of these approaching Dark Gods and rushes to her side. The Dark Gods make their Easter Island debut just in time for Zamaronians to whisk Diana away on her adventure in the upcoming Annual #2, leaving Jason all on his own. Will he live up to the task or go down fighting?
What Just Happened?
A whole lot of fighting and a few reveals is what happened. We find out who the armor was designed for (Minor Spoiler: it’s not Jason), and what its purpose is. We also learn that the armor is now Jason’s as is its power and responsibility. This seems to be another attempt to sell Jason as being somehow relevant and developing in some interesting direction.
Diana meanwhile is busy taking down Supergirl. Most of the issue involving Diana consists of a large fight with lots of collateral damage throughout the city. Once she subdues Supergirl, of course, the place to leave her is on the top of a skyscraper, surely she won’t be any trouble now. Once the fight is over, Diana and Jason meet up and head to where the Dark Gods have finally appeared on the scene. And what we see are……giant monoliths with laser eyes. This odd though potentially interesting development is interrupted by the Star Sapphires and an apparent side-adventure that will take place in Annual #2. In the meantime, Jason’s left to face the Dark Gods on his own.
To be honest — I’m tired of Jason. I just can’t get into him, and it seems like all he’s there to do is take up time in what should be Diana’s story. Robinson seems to be doing his best to make Jason interesting, but Diana’s story is getting relegated to being Jason’s caretaker most of the time. I’d rather see more time devoted to Diana than Diana’s relationship with her brother, which is a lot of what the last few arcs have focused on. The return of Cale and Minerva in the last couple of issues also drives home the fact that almost all of the female support characters have disappeared. Supergirl’s appearance was a nice guest spot, hopefully, she’ll play more of a role in the rest of the story. The book really needs Diana interacting with more than Jason and Steve Trevor for a while.
Rating: 6/10
Final Thoughts: Most of the issue was taken up with a fight and the origin of Jason’s armor. Still, the actual appearance of the Dark Gods at the end of the issue means we’ll likely be getting some answers soon, as well as the rest of the story.
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