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Wynd volume 1: The Flight Of The Prince


Wynd vol. 1 (@JamesTheFourth @theWoodenKing) gives us a fresh new look at a fantasy story through the eyes of a new hero, Wynd! In his discoveries he finds out secrets that drives him to fight for a better future. #BoomStudios #DISCOVERYOURS

Wynd Book #1

Artist(s): Michael Dialynas

Letterer: Aditya Bidikar

Publisher: Boom! Box

Genre: Fantasy

Published Date: 03/24/2021


Wynd seems like a regular boy in the fantastical world of Esseriel, except he’s got a magical secret. Now he’s set off on a journey with his best friend and the boy of his dreams to discover the magic in the world around him and, most importantly, within himself.


James Tynion IV creates a unique world where humans have kept themselves away from the rest of the world due to their fears of the powerful magical beings that exist. From the perspective of Wynd, a very sweet and shy kid he hides the fact that he has pointy ears. He lives with Miss Molly who took him in as a baby and has been working hard to keep him a secret from those who would hurt him. 

In this wonderful first story arc, we witness through bittersweet exchanges that there are a few humans in this town that understand that the treatment of magic people is wrong. There are humans who refuse to ever even come into contact with Weirdbloods yet say horrendous things based on prejudiced views. These conflicting views put Wynd in a rough position as the issues progress. Tynion shows what its like for someone to live most of their life hearing hurtful comments about who he truly is. While facing this inner turmoil, there is the very eerie Bandaged Man who has his eyes set for any Weirdblood to hunt. 

This first volume does a good job at exploring the adorable and innocent ways Wynd crushes on one of the other leading characters. I appreciate seeing moments like these as his very shy approaches are very similar to how I reacted with cute boys when I was his age. In a lot of ways I was able to see myself in Wynd from a younger age. Tynion creating that connection for readers is honestly beautiful. 

The art and coloring really stands out in the moments of world building for the story. Michael Dialynas gives readers a beautiful and striking backstory that reveals the lore and origin behind both humans and magical beings in their history. The way the panels are drawn really brings you deep into wanting to learn more, yet be still satisfied with what is revealed. 


Final Thoughts

This creative team develops a beautiful world with an original lore. Through the perspectives of our lead characters we see how damaging close minded beliefs can be and especially how they affect Wynd. Tynion is able to show the hard decisions that are being placed onto Wynd when he has to accept who he truly is even if it means leaving the home that always kept him safe.

Wynd vol. 1: The Flight Of The Prince
  • Writing - 8.5/10
  • Storyline - 7.5/10
  • Art - 7/10
  • Color - 7/10
  • Cover Art - 8/10
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