Young Avengers #2 (2005)
The first few pages of Young Avengers #2, took me by complete surprise. I was expecting an adolescent kick in your face, “I know it all” attitude with fists a blazing for attention. However, Allan Heinberg brilliantly gave us two strong willed girls with a mission and determination to be a part of something awesome! Last issue, we were introduced to Kate Bishop for the first time and this is a character that one can quickly and easily relate to. Kate’s heroic actions and rationalization skills are far beyond most teenagers. Heinberg is developing a great role model in Kate for his young female readers. Kate is not the only strong female in Young Avengers #2! We are reintroduced to Cassie Lang, the daughter of Ant-Man. Now, these two ladies just may be the grounding for the Young Avengers and create a return path of patience and improve focus.
Meanwhile, at the Avenger’s mansion, Iron Lad has revealed his secret identity to Jessica Jones, Captain America and Iron Man. Nathaniel Richards explains that he traveled into the past to avoid becoming Kang the Conqueror. Heinberg presented a well thoughtful and real back story to Nathaniel. I am curious and wondering if the adult Kang made a mistake by showing up before his younger self, Nathaniel, experienced the full trauma. I think that Nathaniel would have responded differently if Kang showed himself right after recovering from the throat slashing. And, maybe, just maybe, Kang should have left out any mentioning of the Avengers until his younger self completed the requested task. However, I believe that Heinberg chose his course of storytelling, because it applied empathy and allows Nathaniel’s story to stay authentic. I do think the flashback was just a little too long. Do comic book readers have low attentions spans and patience nowadays? Nonetheless, this is a thorough storyline with great details of character building.
Elsewhere, we do get a little action in Young Avengers #2 as Asgardian and Hulkling catches up to Patriot. They help him incapacitate the passengers of a swerving vehicle, who Patriot explains were dealers of a mutant growth hormone that give the average person abilities. Wow! I hope this part develops into a major storyline for the Young Avengers. Infinite possibilities!
Shortly afterwards, Cassie and Kate break into the grounds of the former Avengers Mansion. There’s a touchy moment as Cassie explains the details of her father’s death at the hands of Jack of Hearts. The conversation is interrupted by Patriot, Hulkling and Asgardian, who demand that the two “kids” leave the premises. Kate’s response was just priceless! Patriot was a bit assertive and rather unnecessarily harsh on his demands, but Cassie wasn’t leaving without her dad’s things. Her anger got the best of herself and suddenly grew to enormous height.
Young Avengers #2 barely has any action at all. However, Heinberg provided one hell of a storyline that strengthens character building on each character. This series seems to be more down to Earth, witty and realistic at times in regards to teenage actions and emotions. This issue has great dialog with a surprisingly complex and intriguing plot. Jim Cheung & John Dell provided great details in their artwork. Each panel is laid out almost perfectly. These two highly skilled artists along with colors by Justin Ponsor pack some power and greatly enhance Heinberg’s storytelling.
Honestly, I am so excited to watch a special relationship develop into an awesome power couple!
Best quote in Young Avengers #2; “I’m not going anywhere. My father was an Avenger. This was his home. And one weekend a month, it was mine, too. Now he’s dead. And all I have left of him is inside the mansion. So I don’t care who you are–or what powers you have… I’m not leaving without it!” — Cassie Lang
Final Thoughts
Yes, the group is forming! Sidekicks? Not in their eyes!
Young Avengers #2 (2005): Side Kicks (Part 2of 6)
- Writing - 8.5/108.5/10
- Storyline - 8/108/10
- Art - 8/108/10
- Color - 8/108/10
- Cover Art - 8/108/10