Decades Of Horror: 1980s
So, if during this spooky Halloween season, you are tired of the “same ole, same ole”, try streaming some of these lesser known films and let us know what you think! #changeling #fearnoevil #boogens
DetailsSo, if during this spooky Halloween season, you are tired of the “same ole, same ole”, try streaming some of these lesser known films and let us know what you think! #changeling #fearnoevil #boogens
DetailsHalloween Ends
I applaud this film for doing something different instead of falling into the same old storyline that all the other sequels seemed to. #halloween #michaelmyers
DetailsAn introduction to props using EVA foam and/or digital printing. #FoamProps #Cosplay
DetailsA look at composer, Jerry Goldsmith and his contribution to the horror genre. #JerryGoldsmith #TheOmen #DamienThorn #HorrorMusic
DetailsNow that it’s mid-October, there’s a heavy #horror/#spooky focus in the home video world. There’s only one major new release this week (and it’s a doozy!), but there are some outstanding catalog releases to get you through the #Halloween season.
DetailsHELLRAISER (2022)
David Bruckner’s Hellraiser succeeds in every aspect of updating Clive Barker’s 1987 masterpiece. Now a whole new generation gets their turn to solve the puzzle box. @bruckmachina; @MsJamieClayton; @RealCliveBarker; @luke_piotrowski; #Pinhead; #Hellraiser; #Horror
DetailsLooking at classic horror films of the 1940s! #TheWolfMan #FrankensteinMeetsWolfMan #BelaLugosi #LonChaneyJr #BorisKarloff
DetailsMr. Harrigan’s Phone
The real story is the way the two leads developed their friendship, and the grief Craig faces both from his mother’s loss and the loss of his long-time friend. #mrharrigansphone #stephenking #ifitbleeds
DetailsJeepers Creepers: Reborn
There were some great images and visuals used that kept the movie interesting. #jeeperscreepers #horror #halloween #comicwatch
DetailsThis week sees some exciting new releases, with LOTS of TV-on-Video to keep you busy as well as some new and classic film releases. Check it out!