Secret Headquarters: The Secrets Parents Keep
Secret Headquarters
Romance blooms, friendships are tested and a father restores his son’s trust. #secretheadquarters #owenwilson #jessewilliams #michaelpena
DetailsSecret Headquarters
Romance blooms, friendships are tested and a father restores his son’s trust. #secretheadquarters #owenwilson #jessewilliams #michaelpena
DetailsA return to “Planet of the Apes” and a look at the simian costume creations of Morton Haack.
DetailsA look at the designs of Danilo Donati for the Sci-Fi film, “Flash Gordon.”
DetailsFor regular readers of this column, I’ll be on vacation for the next two weeks, so there will be no new columns. But that doesn’t mean we can’t skip ahead a bit to fill the lag… so let’s pull the curtain back on the future just a bit, shall we?
DetailsWhen one first thinks of a Broadway musical, the first thing that comes to mind isn’t necessarily horror films, but surprisingly, there are quite a few musicals out there that are based on some of our favorite scary movies.
The script is fleshed out and the characters are complex and well performed, which connects the audience to the film. #prey #predator
DetailsThey/Them (They Slash Them)
I love the fact that the main character is a trans person who kicks some ass, proving all the gender stereotyping wrong. #theythem #kevinbacon #theogermaine #gay
DetailsA look at the artistry of Alexandra Byrnes and Mayes Rubeo in creating the costumes for “Thor” and his appearance in “Avengers.”
DetailsThese are our personal memories of the First Lady Of Space, #nichellenichols. #startrek #nasa
DetailsAnthony Perkins has been in over 60 films, several Broadway productions, guest stars on television and releasing four musical albums. #anthonyperkins #psycho
DetailsThere’s a few standout titles today, including a new animated superhero film, a hit TV show, and a bona fide blockbuster. Read on to see what’s hitting shelves this week!