Coming Soon: Thor Love and Thunder
Thor Lover And Thunder Trailer–’nuff said! #ThorLoveAndThunder
DetailsThor Lover And Thunder Trailer–’nuff said! #ThorLoveAndThunder
DetailsFantastic Beasts: The Secrets Of Dumbledore
“The Secrets Of Dumbledore” is a fantastic film for all fans of the Wizarding World to enjoy, and if you were disappointed with its predecessor, this will leave you jumping for joy! @fantasticbeasts #SecretsOfDumbledore
DetailsStar Trek: The Motion Picture (Directors Cut 4k edition)
It is the character interactions that create the dynamics and often the drama in a production. The real fun in Star Trek: The Motion Picture comes with seeing our favorite characters again and meeting new crew members.
DetailsTrailers for Dr Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness and The Northman.
DetailsIt’s a relatively small week this week but with a few big titles, including not one but two recent box office hits and some popular TV shows. Check it out!
How far is an audience is willing to stretch their suspension of disbelief when the movie breaks the laws of physics? Moonfall may have just crossed that line. It not only breaks the laws of physics, but is doing 10 to 20 for murdering them!
Morbius, Marvel’s latest endeavor, if taken as its own self-contained movie, isn’t bad, I have seen a lot worse. But when you set it up next to the other films in the franchise, it is just a hard comparison, and it does not fare well.
DetailsThis week we’ve got a bona fide animated box office smash, the relaunch of a television favorite, a streaming hit, and some beloved newer and older TV series sets. It’s a packed week!
DetailsIf you are a fan of the Sword and Sorcery subgenre of fantasy films, the 1980s was a good decade to grow up in, like I did. There was a lavishness to a lot of these productions that gave them something magical (pun intended) and epic.
DetailsThere are some big name home video releases this week, including an Oscar nominee and one of the most beloved film franchises of all time. Read on!
DetailsMore and more action series are highlighting women as leads without losing their femininity and allowing men to have more emotional complexity, while still retaining a sense of masculinity.
DetailsWith over 13 live-action films of Batman, which gadgets from the movies are your favorite? Sean shares his top 5 (as well as two honorable mentions). #Batman #TheBatman @TheSeanHulk