As the Lazarus rain beats down upon planet Earth, human beings are only a fraction of those affected by this transformative upheaval–enter: LAZARUS PLANET: ONCE WE WERE GODS #1, a series of vignettes exploring Lazarus Planet’s effects across the many extraordinary locations and creatures in the DC Universe, and like their human counterparts, these beings are in for some big changes.
Comic Watch Event Related Reviews:
Main Event:
One-Shot Tie-Ins:
Regular Series Tie-ins:
Dave Johnson Card Stock Variant Cover:
Francesco Mattina Card Stock Variant Cover
Rafael Sarmento Card Stock Variant Cover:
Yanick Paquette 1:25 Incentive Card Stock Variant Cover:
David Marquez & Alejandro Sanchez 1:50 Incentive Foil Variant Cover:
Can Themyscira survive the resurrection of every invading army that ever graced its shores? Will Martian Manhunter survive a psychic link to a Doomsday nest? What happens when the monsters from the Trench gain the ability to breathe air? And look out, Shazam Family…the Rock of Eternity is about to get rocked.
- Writers: Dan Watters; Phillip Kennedy Johnson; Josie Campbell; Francis Manapul
- Artist(s): Francis Manapul; Max Dunbar; Jackson Herbert; Caitlin Yarsky;
- Colorists: Jordie Bellaire; Romulo Fajardo Jr.; Alex Guimarães
- Letterers:
- Cover Artists: David Marquez & Alejandro Sanchez
- Variant Cover Artists: Dave Johnson: Francesco Mattina; Rafael Sarmento; Yanick Paquette; David Marquez & Alejandro Sanchez
- Editor: Ben Abernathy
- Assistant Editor: Jillian Grant
- Format: Event One-Shot Tie-In
- Cover Price/Page Count: $5.99/48 Pages
The effects of the Lazarus Rains on the heroes is explored in LAZARUS PLANET: ONCE WE WERE GODS #1 on shelves and digital platforms on Tuesday, January 24, 2023, from DC Comics