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A Car is Waiting

There Is Nothing Left to Say On The Invisibles
A Car is Waiting

by Travis Hedge Coke



Evelyn Cruikshank died at eighty-eight years, April 21st, ’15.

Possessor of the Evelyn Cruikshank Junior Championship Shield, Jenny dies, 15, a student of St Hilary’s.



Jenny, in the Gideon Stargrave idios kosmos, “orgasms as she dies.” Others die, dooming themselves to resurrection in the communal, a and b interface called consensus reality of The Invisibles. Fictions all, like the Father of Abra, Jenny and others, as King Mob – who holds Gideon Stargrave in his mind to share with others – espouses, may all share one death and that death the paparazzo paff, the puff of popularity and being seen.

Father of Abra (dead in ’60), St Hilary died seven years after his 360-dead daughter.

“This is not random abuse, but sober recognition of the fact,” says Watson.

Zza zza. “That time travel shit is really a buzz.” pspspsp Little kat.

No shit, Sherlock.



Magic mirror gets you where. Deduce.

No. Is it?


What are some things important to you about cars?

What motivates you to seek out a car? Do they bring you near or take you away?

Faerie dross turns to gold if you hold, hide, hear, hearse, rehearse it.

My chariot coming for nowhere. Topcat.



1911, Chisholm: “To make a gift to the devil of that world for which Christ had suffered.” Dribble.

The Chisholm Road Prison Project estimates a thousand jobs and twelve hundred beds, not counting those outside.

St Abra’s Feast. December twelfth.

Chisholm man sentenced to life. Murder of Daugherty at seventeen. He was 54 at sentence. She was seventeen. He was eighteen.

These are real.



“[B]ehold a man riding upon a red horse, and he stood among the myrtle trees,” has Zechariah 1:8, of the Bible.

Rose, despised and rejected. 1918. Defense of the realm.

Abra of Poitiers died about 17.

Sabra holistic.

The sold Chisholm Trail.

Dona dona dona dona. Reduce.

They say you are leaving the Red River Station. The trail begins at Donna.



Abra is a daughter’s name, meaning, “father of multitudes.”

Donna is from Italian. Mistress, lady, a female master.

Choose meadow. Chez Fen.

Salome rose. Peace roses. 1918. 19.

Ride out. Ride the devil. Ride the wind. Rind the sin.

Very slender passages. Sure wheels. The stone wheels of mills that turn anything, dross and gold and air and love.

When Sir Miles has King Mob chaired and bound, our godmother tries to tell the bad father this is all a book. Miles slaps him. Miles wrote the book.



“The big bad bald sprowly all some uttering foon!” – Thats Finnegans Wake

“Kingen will commen.” – That’s Finnegans too


“His fury gutmurdherers.” – Wake


Miles slaps Mob with a book Mob wrote.

Is it cover story that Fanny is Mob’s boyfriend? Girlfriend? That Mob needs a hospital while he bleeds out, beating and abused, strapped in a torture chair as a white-coated helper removes a synthetic surgical glove from the hand on his left?

Why is the next scene in The Invisibles King Mob in 1994 resting outside in the night, by a fire, with the helper, Elfayed, his white coat shed and on the sand beside them, only showing us one hand at a time?

“[I]t will be here assumed, that to speak of a ‘non-miraculous Christianity’ is to speak of something utterly at variance with the Christianity known and recognised as such for nearly nineteen hundred years.” St Mary’s Cathedral. Casanova. Cazenove.



Abracadabra. The Newhouse School is a world class communications school.

Zechariah in the Bible, “[B]ehind him there were red horses, speckled and white.”

Putting the hurt before the curse, why would the Whitecoat, Dr Frankland, wear a surgical glove on his scalpel hand, but the right, which holds the bucket, has no glove unless we count his nails and skin?

How easily can you make us doubt or presume or send me like a flurry down a street rushing to check and recheck?

In every panel of a comic, a chariot, appearing, will appear exactly where it has arrived. A comic cannot show a chariot in motion. Every comic can only show a person exactly as they arrive. Not where they go or whence came.

In night drag in day, every person is where you have arrived. A confidence of will. Red and blue. Black and white. Gold on field.

Jack likes, “A car is waiting” for the title of a memoir. Sir called his, The Invisibles.

Is The Invisibles Jack telling us the story of his life or is he telling Gaz?

Were we left scarred, smoothed, scared and abandoned in the prison, Harmony House?

Pre-Jack Dane is based on Mark Owen, whom the Guardian and Mirror would call a, “love-rat.” King Mob is Jerry Cornelius, the Hood, the Whip, Grant Morrison, Daniel Day-Lewis, Kirk Morrison, Starersewski.



Why is there a car waiting for Jack Frost?

The trump vehicle of attendants in service drag presaging the King in Yellow. Two harlequinade figures casting a tinker’s trompe-l’œil who is all and any of us. Fanny and Jack dancing emotional aggregates. Two sphinxes before a dreidel on a dreidel. Horse red and horse blue.

“This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth.”

Brian Boyd wrote, “Lucette’s fate can be traced through two intricately entangled patterns which pervade the whole.” There is more, but the car stops there.

My niece’s first word was her choice of horse. She said, “Blue.” But, you don’t know my niece or Cybele in flaming sandals. Good and evil, horse and dram, dream horse, night foals, virtue, vice, river and palace, high road, low road, father, mother, crack, score, foursquare four-sided sword. Cardinal Eden.

The Newhouse air.

The we who is any of us may make duality, itself, servant. Mummer. Mother. Ma’at. But, you don’t know Cybele, Persona, or Barbelith.





Nothing in There is Nothing Left to Say (On The Invisibles) is guaranteed factually correct, in part or in toto, nor aroused or recommended as ethically or metaphysically sound, and the same is true of the following recommendations we hope will nonetheless be illuminating to you, our most discriminating audience.


Cabaret. Go Fly a Kite. Kiss of the Spider Woman. Kander & Ebb.

We Remember Sam Cooke. Merry Christmas. A Bit of Liverpool. Flo, Miss & Dreamgirl.

The Bandy Man. The Scarlet Letter. Dead Boy Detectives. Jill Thompson and others (Stefan Petrucha; P. Craig Russell).

Joseph W Smiley. Lucille Young. Anita Hendrix. Died in New York, Los Angeles, and New York.


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