Mad Cave Studios announces Sanction, a new crime series from writer Ray Fawkes, artist Antonio Fuso, colorist Emilio Lecce, and letterer Dave Sharpe. The series, which is set to hit shelves this May, follows a pair of Russian detectives investigating a woman’s murder within the heart of the Soviet Union. The press release promises an interrogation of not only the core crime at the heart of the mystery, but the restrictive society that allowed it to happen.
Ray Fawkes discussed the project in the press release, stating:
“I’m thrilled to present Sanction, the gritty, high-impact, never-seen-this-before crime book I’ve always wanted to write!”
Alongside Fuso’s interior art, artist Dan Panosian is set to illustrate the main cover for issue one. Fawkes will contribute the B cover for the issue. Those covers and a series of unlettered interiors can be seen below.
In the press release, artist Antonio Fuso stated:
“You know all those crime series you love to watch on streaming platforms? Well, this comic book is much better!”
Sanction will be available in comic shops and on digital platforms May 15, 2024.