Wally West is still striving for the right balance of lead Flash, father of three, and Justice League member. After Absolute Power stripped Barry Allen of the Speed Force and Wall rejoined the new Justice League, an even bigger strain has been placed on his role as husband and father. Using a new power related to the disconnected multiverse, Wally is splitting himself as a way to meet all the necessary expectations around him. Now, trapped in Skartaris with his family and a possible missing Rogue, Wally will need to come up with a speedy solution to keep his family and secrets safe.
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The Flash #16
As the family continues their time in Skartaris, something is causing some serious seismic shakes — but is the cause of the quake something sinister? Also, Jai discovers how his abilities have evolved!
Creative Team
Writer: Simon Spurrier
Artist: Vaso Georgiev
Colorist: Matt Herms
Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Cover Artist: Mike Del Mundo
Variant Cover Artists: Dike Ruan & Tomeu Morey, Mattia De lulis, Chrissie Zullo-Uminga
Editor: Chris Rose
Format: Ongoing
Cover Price/Page Count: $3.99/32 pages
The Flash #16 will be on shelves and digital platforms Wednesday, December 25 from DC.