In 2021, Marvel Comics dared to venture into the terrifying, unrelenting world of the ALIEN and explore never-before-seen corners of the iconic horror/science-fiction franchise to the delight of longtime fans and newcomers! The story continues in ALIEN ANNUAL #1!
Marco Mastrazzo Variant Cover:
Marco Mastrazzo 1:50 Incentive Virgin Variant Cover:
Daniel Warren Johnson Variant Cover:
ALIEN VS. ALIEN: PITY THE XENO! A Xenomorph queen and her hive descend on a dark world. They’re hungry—they’re always hungry—and stand poised to overrun this planet like they have so many others. Until the native life fights back. Declan Shalvey and Danny Earls deliver an action-packed story and show-stopping visuals in this standalone entry in the Alien mythos!
- Writer: Declan Shalvey
- Artist: Danny Earls
- Colorist: Ruth Redmond
- Cover Artist: Declan Shalvey
- Variant Cover Artists: Marco Mastrazzo; Daniel Warren Johnson
- Editor-in-Chief: C. B. Cebulski
- Format: Annual
- Cover Price/Page Count: $5.99/36 pages
ALIEN ANNUAL #1 arrives on shelves and digital platforms from Marvel Comics on Wednesday, October 4, 2023.