One of anime’s hottest series, Attack on Titan has received an official release date from streaming service provider Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Hulu. The series 3rd season will be available via simulcast on Sunday, July 22nd at 11:00pm PST with Funimation offering episodes in English dub.
The 3rd season will continue to epic saga of Eren Jaeger, the stories main protagonist who will face not only his ability to shift into a titan but his sudden ability to control them. A power which may turn the tide of humanities war against the Titan’s and those who have infiltrated the ranks of the military corps for reasons yet to be revealed. Questions remain revolving around where the Titans come from, the secrets Eren’s father buried in a cellar in Shinganshina, and the inevitable confrontation with the mysterious Beast Titan.
Attack On Titan Season 3
Airing: July 2018
24 episodes.Regards,
— Attack On Titan (@KyojinShingeki) April 27, 2018