Valkyrie requests the help from Avengers Inc. on an important case on Valhalla. Death is inevitable, but how can someone die who is already… dead?
Comic Watch Review: Avengers Inc. #2: You’re Me? No, You’re Me!
Yagawa Variant
Salas Avengers 60th Anniversary Variant
1:25 Aspinall Variant
Avengers Inc. #3
DIAL V FOR VALKYRIE! Her name is Janet Van Dyne. She’s got a personal invite from Jane Foster. His name is Victor Shade. He’s a dead warrior—on a technicality, at least. So together, they’re on vacation in Valhalla—to solve the mystery of how a dead man can die again…
Creative Team
- Writer: Al Ewing
- Artist: Leonard Kirk, Belardino Brabo
- Colorist: Alex Sinclair
- Letterer: Cory Petit
- Cover Artists: Daniel Acuña
- Variant Cover Artist: Rickie Yagawa, Ron Salas, Marc Aspinall
- Associate Editor: Annalise Bissa
- Editor: Tom Brevoort
- Assistant Editor: Martin Biro
- Cover Price/Page Count: $3.99/28 Pages
It’s a Vacation in Valhalla in Avengers Inc. #3 on shelves and digital platforms on Wednesday, November 22, 2023.