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Batman Fights The Sinister New Order That Now Controls Gotham in Detective Comics #1084

Gotham Nocturne: Act III continues and the countdown to the finale of Ram V’s epic Gothic Opera has begun. You are not ready but find out more in Detective Comics #1085

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The Batman has returned, but his city is no longer the home it once was. A sinister order now governs the shadows of Gotham. An order so precise, so methodical, that there is only one thing that could combat it.

What is this one force — this singular thing that could undo order? Even if you were told, you would not believe it.

In fact, you may think it’s a joke.

Creative Team

Batman fights the sinister new order that now controls Gotham in Detective Comics #1084 on shelves & digital platforms Tuesday, May 28, 2024, from DC Comics


Batman Fights The Sinister New Order That Now Controls Gotham in Detective Comics #1084
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