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Batman Pays Jason A Visit In The Penultimate Red Hood: The Hill #5

Welcome to the Hill—formerly one of Gotham’s most dangerous suburbs—a place that required its residents to band together to keep themselves safe when the police, and sometimes even Batman, wouldn’t. Now, as the Hill finds itself gentrifying, the mission continues as monsters move into the neighborhood so trap in, rev your engine, and get ready to come speeding into this penultimate issue: Red Hood: The Hill #5

Dan Mora Card Stock Variant Cover:

Red Hood: The Hill #5

As Slayer’s murderous machinations come running headfirst into Korlee Jr.’s strange schemes — with Red Hood and Batman stuck in the middle!

Creative Team

Batman pays Jason a visit in the penultimate Red Hood: The Hill #5 on shelves & digital platforms on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, from DC Comics


Batman Pays Jason A Visit In The Penultimate Red Hood: The Hill #5
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