The Dark Crisis is over, and the Justice League is no more. Now, a new team must rise and protect the Earth…Titans, go! The Teen Titans are ready to grow up. Each member joined as a much younger hero, certain that one day they’d be invited to join the Justice League. But the time has come for them not to join the League…but to replace it! Are the no-longer-teen heroes ready for the big leagues? Danger lurks around every corner as heroes and villains alike challenge the new team before they’ve even begun. Will the DCU ever be the same?
DC proudly presents the Titans’ first crossover as the world’s premier superhero team, with universe-shattering repercussions. Brought to you by the all-star creative team of writer Tom Taylor and artist Ivan Reis, this story promises to be an epic one that sets the stage for what’s to come for the DCU!
What will Amanda Waller do to take advantage of the situation as millions of people are changed into rampaging creatures? Can humanity survive all-powerful heroes and villains transformed into ferocious beasts? Friends will fall. Heroes will rise. And nothing will ever be the same again.
This week, the story continues in Titans: Beast World – Waller Rising #1 & Beast World Tour: Metropolis!
Comic Watch Beast World Reviews:
Titans: Beast World – Waller Rising #1
The Kingdom, a mystical and metaphysical realm, sits at the nexus of the Parliaments. A formidable new adversary, Dr. Hate, emerges with intentions to corrupt both the Kingdom and the Parliament of the Red in the pursuit of chaos. Batwing, Vixen, Val-Zod Superman, and Black Manta are thrust together in a desperate fight for survival. They must learn to cooperate to thwart Dr. Hate’s destructive plans before The Wicked Entity can devastate this unique plane, which represents a collective consciousness.
Clayton Henry Card Stock Variant Cover:
Jerry Gaylord Card Stock Variant Cover:
Titans: Beast World – Waller Rising #1
This consciousness unifies the Red, Green, Rot, Clear, Melt, Metal, and Grey into a harmonious realm of peace. In their struggle against Dr. Hate, these heroes and villains also face the task of unraveling how Amanda Waller’s rise is entwined with the ongoing crisis.
The saga features guest appearances from Nubia, Dr. Mist, Red Tornado, Dead Eye, and more!
Creative Team
- Writer: Chuck Brown
- Artist: Keron Grant
- Letterer: Wes Abbott
- Cover Artists: Keron Grant
- Variant Cover Artists: Jerry Gaylord; Clayton Henry
- Editor: Paul Kaminski
- Associate Editor: Chris Rosa
- Cover Price/Page Count: $4.99/48 Pages
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Beast World Tour: Metropolis!
As the ramifications of the Titans’ battle with Starro reverberate across the globe, Metropolis is hit with an unexpected surge of electricity from…is that—? No. It can’t be. Livewire?
Clayton Henry Card Stock Variant Cover:
Cully Hamner Card Stock Variant Cover:
Beast World Tour: Metropolis! #1
Supergirl and Dreamer take on the terror of the Flamebird, Power Girl is no longer, and amid the chaos a threat continues to grow on the horizon. All signs point to a major new shift in the world of Superman in Beast World Tour: Metropolis!
Creative Team
- Writer: Dan Jurgens; Joshua Williamson; & Nicole Maines
- Artist: Zipporah Smith, Anthony Marques, Max Raynor, & Edwin Galmon
- Colorist: Luis Gurerro
- Letterer: Rob Leigh
- Cover Artists: Mikel Janín
- Variant Cover Artists: Cully Hamner; Clayton Henry
- Editor: Paul Kaminski
- Assistant Editor: Jillian Grant
- Associate Editor: Chris Rosa
- Cover Price/Page Count: $5.99/48 Pages
The Beast World event continues in Titans: Beast World – Waller Rising #1 & Beast World Tour: Metropolis! #1, on shelves and digital platforms Tuesday, December 5, 2023, from DC Comics