Questions of strength, superpowers, identity and love all come to a head as lives hang in the balance in Fantastic Four #28
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Phil Noto Variant Cover:
Peach Momoko Marvel Rivals Variant Cover:
Andrei Bressan Fantastic Four Homage Variant Cover:
Francesco D’Ippolito Disney What If? Variant Cover:
Francesco D’Ippolito 1:100 Incentive Black & White Disney What If? Variant
It’s been months since Doctor Doom became Sorcerer Supreme — and disappeared. Reed Richards, the smartest man on the planet, has spent that time trying to find a way to understand magic, so he can find and stop Doom… and he’s failed. But when Sue suggests there is another man who holds both a graduate degree in physics and an understanding of magic — Dane Whitman, the Black Knight! — Reed and Sue decide to see if he can offer any insights. Dane’s help sends Reed and Sue’s minds back in time — to possess the bodies of two people in the past, where, without their powers, they search for the one magical item that can cut through Doom’s illusions! But the Black Knight has motivations of his own… and the past isn’t what it used to be.
Creative Team
- Writer: Ryan North
- Artist: Steven Cummings
- Inker: Wayne Faucher
- Colorist: Jesus Aburtov
- Letterer: Joe Caramagna
- Designer: Carlos Lao
- Cover Artist: Joshua Cassara & Dean White
- Variant Cover Artists: Andrei Bressan; Francesco D’Ippolito; Peach Momoko; Phil Noto
- Editor: Tom Brevoort
- Assistant Editor: Martin Biro
- Associate Editor: Annalise Bissa
- Cover Price/Page Count: $3.99/28 Pages
Fantastic Four #28 arrives on shelves & digital platforms, on January 22, 2025, from Marvel Comics