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Blood Hunt Tie-In: Psylocke Wields Her Psionic Blade Against Bloodsucking Creatures in X-Men: Blood Hunt – Psylocke #1

The skies have gone dark, the sun hiding its face from the carnage to come. The children of the night, the vampires, have risen from the dark and hidden places of the world as one to drown the Marvel Universe in blood.

After months of building the Blood Hunt begins as the Marvel Universe runs red…

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X-Men: Blood Hunt – Psylocke #1

After serving on the frontlines in the war against Orchis, KWANNON is enjoying some much-deserved downtime with her new lover Greycrow. But when darkness falls across Japan, PSYLOCKE will wield her psionic blade against bloodsucking creatures of legend and faces a foe unlike any she’s ever seen. An all-new villain emerges in the mayhem of BLOOD HUNT!


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Psylocke Wields Her Psionic Blade Against Bloodsucking Creatures in X-Men: Blood Hunt – Psylocke #1 on shelves & digital platforms on July 3, 2024, from Marvel Comics

Blood Hunt Tie-In: Psylocke Wields Her Psionic Blade Against Bloodsucking Creatures in X-Men: Blood Hunt – Psylocke #1
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