Marvel’s Netflix presence has grown, and rumors abound about which character will become the next Marvel hot property. If it were up to Steven S. DeKnight, it would be Moon Knight.
Steven S. DeKnight, the showrunner of the first season of Daredevil on Netflix, said in an interview with IGN last week that if he got a chance to produce another NetFlix show, it would focus on the Fist of Khonshu.
“I wouldn’t mind taking a crack at Moon Knight at some point,” DeKnight said to IGN. “There are so many characters that I love in the Marvel universe. Really, for me, it would be about schedule. My schedule these days, as you imagine, is a little tight. God, you know, when I signed onto Daredevil, I expressed an interest in Iron Fist and the Punisher, which I both loved. I’d love to see Moon Knight get a little bit of love. Great, great character.”
Marvel’s presence on the NetFlix radar has grown. Currently, second seasons of Iron Fist and The Punisher are in filming, and a third season of Daredevil is due later this year. Luke Cage is in its second season on the streaming network.
Whether Netflix will remain the venue of choice for future characters remains to be seen, as Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger will premiere on FreeForm June 7th.
Moon Knight was rumored to be due for a NetFlix series in 2015, but there has been no movement on that since shortly after speculation began.
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