DC announced Batman – Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns, a new five issue weekly series from Jeff Parker and Lukas Ketner. Set to release on each of the five Wednesdays in the lead-up to Christmas, the book follows Damian Wayne as he teams with Zatanna and Santa Claus to rescue the Justice League. The trio will have to battle a new foe, the Silent Knight, as bodies pile up in Gotham, drained of their life.
Parker discussed working on the sequel, stating:
“I was blown away at how well last year’s SILENT KNIGHT series was received, readers really responded to us going full tilt with Norse-mythos Santa in the DCU. We followed the old tradition of telling ghost stories at Christmas (remember the line from ‘It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year’?). Then to be asked if I wanted to do another one AND have an extra issue? That was the Happy New Year.”
While Ketner is providing the artwork for the interiors, Bernard Chang will provide the main covers for the series. Variant covers by Dan Mora, Kevin Wada, Erica Henderson, and a holiday scented special variant by Dan Hipp.
Ketner spoke about the two holiday tones that influenced the artwork of the book, stating:
“I come from a cartoony horror comics background, but when Jeff first brought up the possibility of a next installment of SILENT KNIGHT, I had a real ‘put me in, Coach!’ moment. The story leans into some great fantasy horror vibes, and I love that it could just as easily have been a DC Halloween series.”
The covers and interior pages from the press release can be seen below.
Batman – Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns #1-5 will be available on November 27 through December 25.