The Thing, Doctor Doom, and Tuvah Tu need to break free in order to stop the nefarious Ogdu Fraize. Can they get out in time or will the universe be entirely remade?
Clobberin’ Time #5
OGDU FRAIZE’s plan is almost complete, he has reverse engineered every item of power across the Marvel Universe’s timestream to create the PSYCHOPOMP machine, a device that will steal the creation energy of the nascent GALACTUS and the SENTIENCE of the UNIVERSE at the moment of the BIG BANG. The THING, DOCTOR DOOM and TUVAH TU are an unwilling audience to the universe’s re-making. That is, unless they can get free…
Creative Team
- Writer: Steve Skroce
- Artist: Steve Skroce
- Colorist: Bryan Valenza
- Letterer: Joe Sabino
- Designer: Carlos Lao
- Cover Artists: Steve Skroce, Bryan Valenza
- Assistant Editor: Martin Biro
- Editor: Tom Brevoort
- Associate Editor: Annalise Bissa
- Cover Price/Page Count: $3.99/28 Pages
It’s a Doctor Doom Team-Up in Clobberin’ Time #5 on shelves and digital platforms on Wednesday, July 5, 2023.