NEWS WATCH: Tommy Henriksen and Source Point Press bring Crossbone Skully to Fan Expo San Francisco
Tommy Henriksen and Source Point Press bring Crossbone Skully to Fan Expo San Francisco! @SourcePtPress
DetailsTommy Henriksen and Source Point Press bring Crossbone Skully to Fan Expo San Francisco! @SourcePtPress
DetailsDon’t miss Devil’s Highway Vol. 2 & Year Zero Vol. 0 #2, on shelves and digital platforms on Wednesday, November 9, 2022, from @Benjamin_Percy @DanielDKraus & @AWA_Studios
DetailsSpellbound Comics is proud to announce THE DeMULTIVERSE, a groundbreaking new comic book anthology from legendary writer J.M. DeMatteis. @spellboundcomic; @JMDeMatteis
DetailsLearn about the four FREE COMIC BOOK DAY TITLES coming to your local comic shop on May 6! @ValerioSchiti @zebwells @JrRomita
DetailsGIANT-SIZED PREVIEW X-MEN TITLES FOR Nov. 9, 2022:SABRETOOTH & THE EXILE #1 MARAUDERS #8, LEGION OF X #7, WOLVERINE #27, & X-MEN LEGENDS #4 – @victorlavalle @TheSteveOrlando @annienocenti @Benjamin_Percy @sispurrier #MarvelComics
DetailsThe WildC.A.T.S. arrive in the DCU in WILDC.A.T..S. #1, on shelves and digital platforms on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, from @ashcanpress @StephenSegovia & @DCComics.
DetailsNEWS WATCH: Be on the lookout for those damn dirty apes’… variant covers. Check out these Planet of the Apes variants to some of @Marvel’s biggest titles with the hottest artists around this February! From #MarvelComics
DetailsTHE NEW GOLDEN AGE #1 will unlock DC’s epic and secret-ridden history of heroism and a new era for the DCU, releasing this Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022, on shelves and digitally from @geoffjohns @JerryOrdway @DCComics and more
DetailsThe 13-issue series is published in English for the first time on Marvel Unlimited! #GoYeong-Hun @AmyChu
DetailsStep right up to the deadliest game in the Marvel Universe when MURDERWORLD: AVENGERS #1 hits stands on November 16, 2022, from @JimZub @rayfawkes & #MarvelComics
DetailsHaving an incredible and unique power is only the first step in @IDWPublishing / @topshelfcomix F.A.R.M. System from #RichKoslowski landing in stores on November 8, 2022
DetailsFirst Look at Jason Aaron and Alexandre Tefenkgi’s ONCE UPON A TIME AT THE END OF THE WORLD #1! @jasonaaron; #AlexandreTefenkg; @boomstudios