NEWS WATCH: Scout Comics Presents BROKEN EYE, Coming in 2022!
NEWS WATCH: @ScoutComics presents BROKEN EYE, a new ’70s thriller coming in 2022! A young man with the strange power to see into the past gets embroiled in an IRA plot!
DetailsNEWS WATCH: @ScoutComics presents BROKEN EYE, a new ’70s thriller coming in 2022! A young man with the strange power to see into the past gets embroiled in an IRA plot!
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! Jump into a post-cataclysmic hellscape with Swamp Thing: Green Hell #1, on sale 12/28 from #DCComics @JeffLemire and @TheDougMahnke #DCBlackLabel
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! Dive deeper into “The Warworld Saga” with #Superman and what’s left of the Authority in Action Comics #1038, on sale 12/28!! From #DCComics @phillipkjohnson @shawnaldridge @sampere_art @Adriana_Melo @Mikemaluk
DetailsSNEAK PEEK: Don’t miss the aftermath of Fear State as #Batman spends one last night in Gotham City in Detective Comics #1046, from #DCComics @marikotamaki @steph_smash @Danmora_c @DavidALapham On sale 12/28!
DetailsMichael Cotton, longtime comic book DC Comics editor, journalist, and leading voice in the comic industry has joined as an Executive Editor with @AWA_Studios
DetailsSNEAK PEEK! It’s Eclipso action on Gemworld when The Flash teams up with the Justice League Dark in The Flash #777, on sale 12/28 from #DCComics @spacekicker and #FernandoPasarin @DCComics @theDCnation
DetailsA Mutant Legend is Reborn GIANT-SIZED X-MEN: THUNDERBIRD! out April 27, 2022, from@NylaRoseBeast @thesteveorlando @davidcutler @ledkilla @Marvel #Marvel #XMen
DetailsThe 60th anniversaries of Hulk and Thor set for an explosive throwdown in HULK VS. THOR: BANNER OF WAR beginning on April 27, 2022, from #donnycates @MartinCoccolo @1moreGaryFrank & @Marvel
DetailsNow through January 3rd, @MadCaveStudios holds a winter sale, with 25% off trades & variants or even 50% off select single issues! Go to their website for getting a solstice treat!
DetailsNEWS WATCH: Relive the Thrills of Phase Two of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in These Variant Covers! @declanshalvey @RyanStegman @DavidNakayama @ValerioSchiti @Lozifer @Marvel #Marvel #MCU
DetailsJump into the void with Wolverine when X-MEN UNLIMITED: LATITUDE #1 hits stands on March 16, 2021, from MARVEL COMICS Or, revisit the original vertical story in X-MEN UNLIMITED INFINITY COMIC #1-4 on the Marvel Unlimited app. @declanshalvey #jonathanhickman @Marvel
DetailsBUCKHEAD #2 out January 5, 2022, from @BoomStudios fins the Pacific Northwest Town Rocked by Strange Occurrences as the Discover of the Shocking Connection Between Buckhead & A Mysterious Video Game Reality is made from #Shobo @GeorgeKambadais