NEWS WATCH: VAULT COMICS Announces THE RUSH from Si Spurrier
The Rush #1, delves into the dark, lyrical horror and madness of the wild Yukon in the upcoming chilling western-horror series by @sispurrier artist Nathan Gooden & @thevaultcomics
DetailsThe Rush #1, delves into the dark, lyrical horror and madness of the wild Yukon in the upcoming chilling western-horror series by @sispurrier artist Nathan Gooden & @thevaultcomics
DetailsThis September enter OMEGA RED in your EXCLUSIVE first look at X-MEN LEGENDS #8 solicit for part two of legend Larry Hama and Billy Tan’s Wolverine and Jubilee story! Cover by @TanComics and @SotoColor! #LarryHama #xmen
DetailsA New Era has begun at Valiant Entertainment as Rob Levin joins as Executive Editor!
@ValiantComics @roblevin #StayValiant
Even humanity’s last hope needs a little help sometimes. The Vault is in sight and Eve’s come farther than any before her. Preview EVE #4 from Boom! Studios @victorlavalle @SteelScarlet @br_peer @andworlddesign @arioanin #NicolaRighi #JonboyMeyers @DawnMicaela
DetailsThis October, Marvel Comics is proud to present MARVEL’S VOICES: COMUNIDADES #1, turning the spotlight to Latinx heroes and creators from the #Marvel Universe. @JoeQuesada @djolder @THEKarlaPacheco @alex_segura @VDelRey @NicoLeon_ & many more!
DetailsJewel the Beetle, newly appointed Restoration leader, has called on Sonic, Tails, and the Chaotix to run interference in this preview of #SonictheHedgehog #42.
DetailsNEWS WATCH: Pulp horror, adventure cult classic, Dragonring, returns to comics with Outland Entertainment @OutlandEnt @cullenbunn #ShannonPotratz #dragonring #aircelpublishing
DetailsAs New York gets torn apart by different factions, mutant and human alike, Karai returns and the future of the TMNT, in fact all of NYC, comes down to a final negotiation between Splinter and Karai!
@IDWPiblishing @TomWaltz @BISHART
The Millionaire’s Magicians kickstarter @keithchampagne @petergkrause @RedCube_Studio @chambermagic @kickstarter
DetailsMerlin’s secrets may not stay hidden very long in this preview of Once & Future Vol. 3 SC collecting issues #13-18!
@boomstudios @kierongillen @Danmora_c #OnceandFuture
A female thief gets powers, is mistaken for a superhero, and runs with it—with no intention of giving up her criminal ways! @KarlKesel @David_Hahn @odysseyroc @ScoutComics
DetailsStrap in for adventure, Avengers-style! Three action-packed stories featuring unlikely superhero pairs joining forces to thwart the plans of outrageous villains in this preview of @IDWPublishing’s #Marvel Action #Avengers tpb 5!