SNEAK PEEK: IDW Publishing’s Onion Skin OGN
Discover a bright new star of Mexican comics in this romantic and thrilling tale, stuffed with adventure and delicious food. @IDWPublishing @TopShelfComix #EdgarCamacho
DetailsDiscover a bright new star of Mexican comics in this romantic and thrilling tale, stuffed with adventure and delicious food. @IDWPublishing @TopShelfComix #EdgarCamacho
DetailsDC is celebrating Free Comic Book Day #FCBD 2021 in a big way with books for readers of every age! Check out the full #DCComcis lineup here from creators like @JamesTheFourth @Philjimeneznyc @HackinTimSeeley @ScottKolins @kamigarcia and more!
DetailsThe Dark Knight and the Man of Steel are on a mission to stop the godlike from destroying the pocket worlds he’s created in this preview of Batman/Superman #18!
@geneluenyang #IvanReis #DCComics #Batman #Superman
It’s Batman versus Huntress in this preview of DC Comics Detective Comics #1036!
#DCComics @marikotamaki @Danmora_c @claytonhenryart #Batman #Detectivecomics
What happens when an indomitable force meets an irritating object? That’s what readers will find out when #Superman runs into #Lobo in August’s launch of Superman vs. Lobo! @HackinTimSeeley @Mirkand @nachosarah #DCComics
DetailsThe final issue of the acclaimed revival of Batman Black & White is here, and readers won’t want to miss this deep dive into the new horrors of Gotham and ordinary citizens inspired by Batman. Here is our preview of Batman Black and White #6 @DCComics @Ssnyder1835 @TheRealJRJr1 @NickDerington @e_charretier @pk_colinet @JamesHarren1 @bwrites247 @kharyrandolph
DetailsFan-favorite creator@TheKyleStarks returns with the action-packed horror/comedy mashup, Old Head, an original graphic novel this August from @ImageComics.
DetailsHarley Quinn’s war of wellness with Hugo Strange kicks into high gear this issue, and things are gonna get ugly. Here is our preview of DC Comics’ Harley Quinn #3 @Steph_Smash @rileyrossmo1 @ivanplascencia #DCComics
DetailsTo honor and celebrate Pride Month, #Marvel is offering four variant covers of MARVEL’S VOICES: PRIDE #1Check out four all-new MARVEL’S VOICES: PRIDE #1 covers on sale June 23rd! featuring art from @rdauterman @kristaferanka @JeffreyVeregge @ernanda91
DetailsAfter the shocking events of Robin #1, Damian has learned the deadly rules of Lazarus Island the hard way! Now he must prove that he belongs in the tournament and uncover its secrets in this preview of DC Comics’ Robin #2 @Williamson_Josh @GlebMelnikov8 @lgcolorist @troypeteri #DCComics
DetailsTwo classic Spider-Man tales pulled from the legendary Vault of Heroes! @IDWPublishing @PaulTobin #ToddDezago #MarceloDiChiara #LouKang #PatrickScherberger
DetailsAfter a battleship escapes Warworld, Superman searches for answers about the identities of its mysterious refugees. Could there be other Kryptonians in the universe? Plus, Midnighter is stuck in the wrong timeline gathering intel on the Chrysalis. Here is our preview of Action Comics #1031 @DCComics @PhillipKJohnson @Sampere_art