FIRST WATCH: Dark Horse Bringing “Eromanga Sensei” to Western Audiences This Fall!
From the creators of “Oreimo” comes a manga series about light novels, set to release to western audiences this September!
DetailsFrom the creators of “Oreimo” comes a manga series about light novels, set to release to western audiences this September!
DetailsCo-creator Marv Wolfman returns to for DC Cyborg #21 kicking off a new storyline in the monthly series
DetailsThis April Marvel Unlimited’s digital library continues to expand.
DetailsIDW Satellite office announces follow up to IDW Publishing’s groundbreaking print-only 200-page Comics & Culture hardcover”magazine” FULL BLEED, FULL BLEED VOL2: DEEP CUTS!
DetailsValiant’s SECRET WEAPONS: OWEN’S STORY #0 has sold out and will return to store shelves everywhere with the SECRET WEAPONS: OWEN’S STORY #0 SECOND PRINTING!
DetailsAspen Comics first new series of 2018 Portal Bound has been launched
DetailsMarvel is back at C2E2 this weekend with an absolutely packed schedule of guests, signings and panels.
DetailsHe’s commanded the page in a blaze of glory…and now, this July, he’ll embark on his own solo adventure in COSMIC GHOST RIDER, an all-new limited series written by the character’s co-creator Donny Cates (Thanos, Doctor Strange) with art by one of the industry’s hottest new creators, Dylan Burnett!
DetailsA Plethora of creative talent join Mark Waid to catapult us forward in time for the next arc saga of Captain America.
DetailsAward winning and talented Sarah Gaydos is joining Oni Press as Editorial Director of Licensed Publishing.
DetailsMarvel is releasing the Marvel Knights stories in a brand new 20th anniversary TPB series
DetailsAugust will see the fate of the time displaced X-men 05 revealed in a Marvel event that they have called Extermination