Over eighty years ago, in the Golden Age of Comics, a genius named Fletcher Hanks created STARDUST THE SUPER WIZARD, comics’ weirdest superhero of all. Now, thanks to public domain, celebrated author VAN JENSEN (Flash, Green Lantern Corps, Arca) is spearheading a crowdfunder on ZOOP to create a Stardust anthology by celebrated creators such as Michael Allred, Pete Woods, Ron Marz, actor Jay Baruchel, Cecil Castellucci, and many more! Van joins the Comic Watchers Show to discuss Stardust’s legacy, the strange saga of Fletcher Hanks, the joy of crowdfunding through Zoop, and more!
To contribute to the STARDUST crowdfunder through Zoop, go here!
The Comic Watchers Show is a semi-regular interview series hosted by Comic Watch EiC Matt Meyer and editor Chad Burdette! New episodes can be seen on Thursdays at 8:30/7:30 CST on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.