After the recent revelation of The Hand’s use of Foggy and Stick as puppets, tensions rise between Matt and Cole as they regroup.
Check out the Comic Watch review for Daredevil #10: A Dream on Fire.
Federico Vicentini & Bryan Valenza
Inhyuk Lee (AAPI)
Dave Johnson (Spider-Verse)
Derrick Chew (Elektra)
The Hand have made Matt Murdock’s life a living hell for years, but as Chip Zdarsky and Marco Checchetto enter the crescendo of their critically acclaimed and chart-topping run, the villainous cadre of ninja may have finally gone too far, pushing Matt and every relationship he has to their breaking points.
Creative Team
- Writer: Chip Zdarsky
- Artist: Rafael de Latorre
- Colorist: Matthew Wilson
- Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
- Cover Artist(s): Marc Checchetto & Matthew Wilson
- Variant Cover Artist(s): Federico Vicentini & Bryan Valenza; Inhyuk Lee (AAPI); Dave Johnson (Spider-Verse); Derrick Chew (Elektra)
- Editor(s): Davin Lewis
- Format: Ongoing Series
- Cover Price/Page Count: $4.99 / 36 pages