Dark Horse Comics announces a new action/horror series, Savage Squad 6, from the creative team of writers Robert Venditti (Superman ’78, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps) and Brockton McKinney (Jenny Zero), interior and cover artist Dalts Dalton, colorist Geraldo Filho (Jenny Zero II) and letterist Micah Myers (Youth, It’s Only Teenage Wasteland). The series, which is set for a release on June 28, follows a team of elite women soldiers as they battle across a post-apocalyptic world.
“Brock and I have been writing together for years, and we’ve been friends even longer,” says writer Robert Venditti. “For the first McDitti collaboration, we wanted to bring all the fun and abandon of ‘80s-‘90s action films to comics. Savage Squad 6 is everything we love about explosive firefights, impossible odds, and heroes who never say die.”
Dark Horse has shared a detailed synopsis for the series along with the cover to issue #1, which can be seen below.
The year is 2037. A brutal world war has left humanity in shambles. The remnants of civilization are tracked down and systematically eliminated by The Scourge. For the people of the central colonies, only one hope remains, an elite team of warrior women deployed into the deadliest location on the planet: Savage Squad 6!
Savage Squad 6 #1 (of 4) will be in comic shops June 28, 2023. It is available for pre-order now at your local comic shop for $3.99.