DC’s DARK CRISIS, led by JOSHUA WILLIAMSON and artist DANIEL SAMPERE, which found the heroes left behind coming together to combat a great evil and save the lost Justice League, comes to a dramatic finish and ushers in the next era of the DCU.
Comic Watch DARK CRISIS Event Reviews:
Main Series:
One shots:
Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League – Wonder Woman #1: Desires
Dark Crisis: The Deadly Green #1: Magic, What is it Good For?
Limited series:
Clay Mann Card Stock Variant Cover:
Viktor Bogdanovic Final Crisis Homage Card Stock Variant Cover:
Tony S. Daniel Card Stock Variant Cover:
Felipe Massafera Card Stock Variant Cover:
George Perez Tribute Card Stock Variant Cover:
Dan Mora Dawn Of DC #1 Card Stock Variant Cover:
Dan Mora Dawn Of DC #3 Card Stock Variant Cover:
Dan Mora Dawn Of DC #4 Card Stock Variant Cover:
Ian Churchill 1:25 Incentive Card Stock Variant Cover:
Kyle Hotz Card Stock 1:50 Incentive Card Stock Variant Cover:
Daniel Sampere & Alejandro Sánchez Foil Card Stock 1:100 Incentive Variant Cover:
The Great Darkness is defeated, but the final war has only just begun between the remaining heroes and Deathstroke’s Dark Army! Who will be left standing? The Justice League and the infinite Earths have returned, but at what cost?
Do not miss the shocking conclusion that launches the DCU into 2023!
- Writer: Joshua Williamson
- Artist: Rafa Sandoval, Daniel Sampere, & Jackson Herbert
- Penciller: Giuseppe Camuncoli
- Inker: Cam Smith
- Colorist: Alejandro Sánchez, Romulo Fajardo Jr., Matt Herms, & Alex Guimarães
- Letterer: Tom Napolitano
- Stadard Cover: Daniel Sampere & Alejandro Sánchez
- Variant Covers: Daniel Sampere & Alejandro Sánchez; Clay Mann; Viktor Bogdanovic; Tony S. Daniel; Felipe Massafera; Dan Mora; Ian Churchill; Kyle Hotz
- Editor: Paul Kaminski
- Associate Editor: Chris Rosa
- Format: Limited Series
- Page Count/Cover Price: 40 pages/$6.99
Don’t miss the exciting conclusion and the beginning of the new era in DARK CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS #7, on shelves and digital platforms on Tuesday, December 20, 2022, from DC COMICS.