The definitive origin of Gotham City: how it became the cesspool of violence and corruption it is today, and how it harbored and then unleashed the sin that led to the rise of the Dark Knight continues in GOTHAM CITY: YEAR ONE #3 from superstar creators Tom King and Phil Hester.
Comic Watch Review:
Jeff Spokes Variant Cover:
Tony Shasteen 1:25 Incentive Variant Cover:
Beaten, bruised, and betrayed, Slam Bradley should have never gotten involved with the Waynes. With a tragic turn of events and a city on the edge of burning, can this hard-boiled private detective close an impossible case?
- Writer: Tom King
- Artist: Phil Hester
- Inker: Eric Gapstur
- Colorist: Jordie Bellaire
- Letterer: Clayton Cowles
- Standard Cover: Phil Hester, Eric Gapstur, & Jordie Bellaire
- Variant Covers: Jeff Spokes; Tony Shasteen
- Group Editor: Ben Abernathy
- Format: Limited Series
- Cover Price/Page Count: $4.99/ 32 pages
The history of Gotham City two generations before the rise of Batman reaches the penultimate chapter in GOTHAM CITY: YEAR ONE #5 on shelves and digital platforms Tuesday, February 6, 2023, from DC Comics