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DC Comics Tries to Give Bruce Wang the Shaft and Finds Itself in a Real Pickle

And there it was. In all its glory with just the turn of the page. Within hours of the most recent printing of Batman: Damned being released, Social media was on fire with shares, memes, and heated debate about Batman’s newest sidekick with some even saying “Damn!,” themselves.

In a statement to the Guardian, DC Comics has confirmed that Bruce’s penis will no longer be available for public consumption. Further, all future printings will censor the display of his genitals. Some fans deride the decision as censorship and believe it lends to the maturity of the Batman series. DC, however, has chosen to align themselves with the opposite camp in which opponents decried the stunt to sell books with no significance to the overall story.

For good measure, a shot of Batman’s buttocks would by to follow. Naturally.

Though superhero news about movie developments are always in high rotation, it’s not often that the actual source material itself gets much attention in the mainstream press. However, Bruce’s penis was so significant that even late night talk show host Seth Meyer couldn’t help but marvel at the move himself during his own monologue.

However with over 100,000 copies still in rotation, is to too late for DC to pull out now?

Tell us what you think in the comments below. As always, we’ll be watching…

DC Comics Tries to Give Bruce Wang the Shaft and Finds Itself in a Real Pickle
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